
Venerdì 22 febbraio, ore 11:45 – ACRE Women’s Meeting – A.Roma Lifestyle Hotel

ACRE Women’s Meeting

Women’s voices in the future of Europe?
Europe is going through some changes. The membership of the EU is changing with the withdrawal of the UK from the Union. We are also seeing political parties come to power that are questioning the status-quo. This panel will look at the voices of women in the future of our continent and look at how as Conservatives we can continue to empower both men and women in shaping our continents future.

Moderator: Neva Sadikoglu-Novaky, Secretary General of ACRE Women’s Movement

Nino Goguadze MP, Chairman of ACRE Women’s Movement
Jan Zahradil MEP, chairman of the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe
Isabella Rauti, Member if the Italian Senate
Adela Mîrza, President of M10 Party Romania (Member of “The Right Alternative” Political Alliance)
A.Roma Lifestyle Hotel – Rome

Questa voce è stata pubblicata in Eventi in agenda, Primo piano.